We create a space conducive to de-stressing and recharging, where you can gain clarity and allow yourself the time to become fully immersed in this distinctly personal experience.

The Conscious Leadership Retreat is a highly effective program that integrates resources towards leadership development through movement, learning, and wisdom or growth which empowers our students to create the behavioral patterns they need to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.
My Triumph through Transcendence
The quality of our happiness and state of being is a product of our perspectives and the stories we tell ourselves. We all get caught up in the narrative we tell ourselves regarding our life experiences. One of the most powerful resources of self-compassion and self-awareness is for us to become the heroes of our own stories.

Sovereign Soul Bali Retreat
This collaboration between Atma Prema and Resonance invites you to embark on a journey to Ubud, Bali, one of the world's spiritual capitals.
Led by your primary facilitators, Lia Bernardo and Malou Araneta. The main theme of this retreat is to awaken your innate power and soul sovereignty.