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One of the best gifts that we can give ourselves and each other is the blessing to gleefully bloom into the people we want to become.

It is never too early or too late to practice self-sovereignty. By providing children with toys that encourage self-discovery, and a safe space to do so, we teach them early on that they matter. This seed of love and worthiness will be something they will carry onto adulthood, and draw courage from when needed.

This 30-card deck created by Teacher Lei Sta. Maria for Atma Prema Kids is a useful tool that guides children (and adults!) on the many ways we are able to raise our vibration with Move, Learn, Grow, and Create.

Each card has resources, affirmations, and activities based on The Self-Love Solution that children can do on their own, and discover through play.

What are you waiting for? Gift the children close to your heart the guidance and encouragement to practice self-nurturing, self-acceptance and self-worth.

Raising Frequencies™ Kids Cards

SKU: 30
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